
 Shot List:

1. Shot of the North Star

2. Shot of Light emitting from a gift box

3. Shot of under the Christmas tree

4. Shot of an object wrapped up in Christmas lights

5. Shot of Christmas lights being swung around with a low shutter speed

6. Close up shot of Christmas lights with Jumbled Christmas lights in the background

7. Shot of Jumbled Christmas lights 

8.Shot of Christmas lights illuminating the night

9.Shot of fireplace with stockings hanging from the fireplace 

10. Shot of a computer camera in use with a "recording" light on

Ideas(Shots of Christmas lights outside illuminating the night, Shot of the North Star, Shot of jumbled up Christmas lights, Close up Shot of Christmas lights with foreshadowing of *The Santa Dilemma* in the background, Shot of under the Christmas tree, Shot of Christmas lights being swung around while the shitter speed is set to 1", Shot of a fireplace with Christmas stockings, Shot of something wrapped up in Christmas lights, light emitting from a gift box, Shot of computer camera and mic (the computer has a light that turns on when the camera is being used, can be used to show how we digitally connect to others on Christmas through skype, zoom etc))
