Lighting project



Success: The photo was a lot of fun to take, it was enjoyable and funny to work with the very very very spare rations I had to make it work...

Failures: Initially I believed shooting in 1800 ISO would give the right balance between light and dark I needed and while I'm not wrong, it was quite accurate, in the stressful and hard to maintain environment I never got the chance to try any other ISO shots. 
My reliance on family members to hold props and such was useful however even after cropping in camera raw it seems there's no way I can remove them from the picture (haha yikes).
While I had four light sources to use, three of which were in accurate phone torch's and one was a heavy to hold lamp. The argument could be said the lamp on the left that isn't turned on could have been used but its inclusion was strictly prop based and the light would not have reflected the originals lighting.
Not much space to work... as such there is narrowly any negative space in the photo.
I tried a backlight to catch a reflection in the subjects eye, it worked however this is the best photograph of the subject I have and he decided to look a bit to much to the left so the effect is lost.
And finally, the major flop with this image is its poor organisation.
