Research for Product Assignment (Part One)


Fabrizio Cestari-

Born in 1979 the natural born professional photographer got his start early in life at 13 after beginning to take notice of the career his father had. A classic passion over profession individual, his work has garnered him international awards in Europe and the USA with his specialised conceptual portraits style.

Erik Johansson-

Here is a photographer that not only has all my attention but also appeared on the very notes in which we were taught what advertisement and commercial photographers are. Based in Sweden, Erik is a personal and commission-based photographer using his projects as a means in which to capture ideas and news perspectives and insights into how our world can be moulded, rather than capture moments. With the help of his trusted camera and a little old program called photoshop he has the goal to make his ideas look as realistic as possible even in unrealistic situations.

Tim Tadder-

Recognised as one of the top influential photographers in 2015 by Epson, Tim has received a lot of success from his worldwide ad campaign, even receiving a rank in the top 200 photographers worldwide by the well-known Lúrzer Archive Magazine in which the world’s best digital photographers and illustrators a-like are showcased (Farmani Group, 2021) (Lurzer's int'l Archive Advertising worldwide, 2021).

My proposal: I would like to create a photograph using the best of lighting I have in my home of a product I love or use daily, I would then like to try and test my editing skills with an edited version of the final photo to try and incorporate practices in modern advertisements such as the removing of reflections in glass based products or giving a product it's logo.


Farmani Group, 2021. Farmani Group. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 March 2021].

Lurzer's int'l Archive Advertising worldwide, 2021. Luerzers Archive. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 March 2021].

