First Playable (Kinda)

 This week we were tasked with taking our prototype and taking it to the first playable stage, while I still had not resolved my issue from last week (namely my car simply refuses to jump) I decided to go ahead and flesh out the Test Level I had made, deleting the planes I was using as roads and replacing them with solid cube platforms, floating in space above a makeshift death plane. I edited some values to make my car more comfortable to control, added some scenarios that I could use to test the car and implemented a ramp from last week too... Then it came to the car. The test is playable if not just barely, the big problem simply being, the car jumps once... and then never again. Still. I have talked to my lecturer, made countless search's on the internet, straight up replaced the code in some scenario's but to no avail, the car refuses to work. Hopefully this problem is resolved before next week as I cannot really progress in the creation of my platformer without the ability to jump from platform to platform, below is a picture of what the current state of the game looks like, I hope for it to make some improvements very very soon.

Homer failing to jump out of a car
Homer failing to jump out of a car kind of like my car failing to jump full stop


Samuel Carroll said…
Hi Jack your idea looks really good and the game is looking really well and can't wait to see your finished project I like the ramps and so on and reminds me of a GTA V race in a way with the ramps and so on really like the idea and look forward to seeing the finished project.
Jordan said…
Yoooo Jack, I’m liking the Homer gif. Hahah, pretty funny. I can’t lie, so far, visually, your project is looking awesome man. I’m getting skate 3 vibes from it personally so well done on that so far what you were saying about your difficulties so far is unfortunate but to be honest when you finally get that working you are gonna be so relieved about it and then move onto the next thing but I do understand that the main game mechanic for your game is jumping so that has to be priority before progressing forward I genuinely look forward to seeing how you progress with this well done man.
Alexander Partridge said…
Hey jack, Sorry to hear that you were having some difficulties when you were applying code. This has happened to me this week and I took a break for a few hours and went back to it. try and find youtube videos to help you with the code. this might be helpful. I must say I love your assets so far they're really cool. Also if you want to import any asset theres a lot of online free asests to chose from.
Hope it all goes well.