Review Week Comments and Feedback


Sonic getting his ass handed to him
Sonic getting whupped by Metal Sonic

I would measure the feedback I have received as positive, there isn't really a single comment I have I like over the others but there's not a single one that makes me go "Aw crap", everyone's very optimistic with what they comment on and when they do have a suggestion or tip from using the WWW or other commenting skills we learned it's always a worthwhile read for my own interest and to see what others think of my work looking from the outside in. I feel the feedback is great but something I am very against at this point is sometimes we are required as our weekly task to comment on someone's introduction post, AKA the very first post we made describing ourselves and what we wish for in this module, however i find this to kind of be a waste? I know who my peers are, I have for some time now, I don't really benefit at all from reviewing basically the same introduction post over and over on details I already know, its also a bit outdated, like I have changed since my introduction post and in all honesty my introduction post is no masterpiece that needs to be revisited every week, it was a 10 min write up I thought up on the spot that barely scrapes by as legible. Apart from that pet peeve the input is all well and truly nice to read through whenever it is there.

As for the output I believe I have been putting out as intended, using the skills taught to us in feedback posts from weeks prior although I admit I lean on WWW more so than the other form of commenting or feedback simply because I prefer it. Everyone's idea's are so unique I almost have to keep on top of them, not from a task perspective but an actual interest perspective, I won't name names but if your reading this, still looking forward to seeing how that dragon game goes, I can't wait to play with the cats and Let me playtest that game when its ready I can't wait to see how the retro aesthetic looks!
