Week 9 Reading and Writing


Sonic and Metal Sonic butting heads
Link- https://gifs.com/gif/quot-strange-isn-39-t-it-quot-sonic-vs-metal-sonic-ywXW60

This week our reading task is not a challenge to read an incredible number of words and then elaborate our feelings on these texts which are extremely beneficial for our knowledge of game design, but instead to critique our critiques of the critiques… interesting.

When it comes to the blog posts I have made about the reading tasks to date I believe they all individually still hold up quite well, I take in the information on display, present the things I learned, maybe the things I already knew with subsequent links and the assorted fact here and there all with an evaluation on that certain weeks task and then a Gif or image with something to do with the reading, or just a witty image to go with it such as an expression or a Pepe doing something while he reads. I never actually looked back at my posts after making them, maybe on the odd occasion if someone commented on one from donkeys months ago, but otherwise this is my first look back and it is… refreshing, to find just how far I have come, for example in week one I was genuinely shocked to realise “oh yeah, games are basically a load of rules established to make it as hard as possible for the player to reach the end” but now that’s just a simple understanding like yes, of course there’s rules in games, without them they would simply not work, how could I not have known that simple law back then? Simple, I hadn’t read the readings yet. For that reason alone, I can see why the reading task is so important now.

Then for the project readings, I enjoyed reading through hem more than I thought! That isn’t to say that I would dislike reading anything it’s just I remember the project readings are the ones I really sank my teeth into and made longer than they had to be, just to communicate my ideas to the best of my ability, and in essence yeah I have really gone overboard with these post’s but I enjoy them nonetheless, a lot of idea’s being bounced around that I simply forgot about to be completely honest but I am very glad to see how it shaped up… now only if UNITY would let me continue my project I swear I was having so much fun up until the moment where unity decided it didn’t want my car to jump… in a platformer.

My favourite image is a sketch I did in my idea for project 3, the Wick The CandleStick game:


Mac said…
Great blog post Jack! I love your concept art for the "Wick The CandleStick" game, your illustrations are full of life and rival the amazing character designs seen in even the most classic of Nintendo games. It's good to hear you enjoy doing the readings, it's obvious you've got a real passion for your game and the module in general, looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Robbie Cahill said…
What’s up dude!
I have to agree with you that I was very happy when I found out we didn’t have to read a whole bunch of text but instead analyse our own writings. 😂
I too never look back at my blog posts, I might check if I receive a comment but that’s all.
Your sketch is awesome by the way!
I know you’ll do fantastic in this course!

Now go forth and conquer! ✌🏻