Unity Tutorial 9

 Wow. Where do I start. Uh, I guess I should mention I did my unity tutorials in congruency with my project, doing tutorials that mattered to me in that moment and since my jumping bug has finally been corrected... Wow it is 4AM and I am after making up for so much downtime. To start, here is most of the links I could find in my history:


All of these series of videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNhs8lbJDbE







Yeah that's not even all the ones I watched these are just the ones that helped me in the end, I watched a lot of unnecessarily complicated videos before finding these individually.

God so much to say uh I learned why my character wasn't jumping thanks to my lecturer Irene, That was the greatest thing that's happened to me this semester.

Other than that I reworked my characters entire move set and expanded my test level a bit but thats for the project blog, this unity blog I must say I learned about skyboxes, physics, gravity, movement, camera, forces and the importance of commenting :).

He do be grooving tho
Ganondorf is happy and so am I
Link- https://imgur.com/t/terminalmontage/xaQeX7k
