Doing, Reading 03


I am confusion and tired and dead



Augmented reality and virtual reality displays: emerging technologies and future perspectives

Light: Science & Applications, 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, Page 1

Jianghao Xiong, En-Lin Hsiang, Ziqian He, Tao Zhan, Shin-Tson Wu
The authors use data from the book Light: Science and Applcations, to talk about to what extent modern day technologies have advance the world of AR and VR with PHHOE's and LLHOES allowing more clearer crisp higher definition views into the Virtual World.

(Pope)The author analysis the history of Virtual Reality and then Augmented Reality, keeping their history’s apart throughout the article however I’m sure throughout history these two mediums have met more than once or twice. The author is quick to point out the terms Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality were both coined in 1990’s making it hard to track the history of the mediums before then, proven by his sources, however he suggests paintings from the 1800’s could be considered the first examples of Virtual Reality, defined as an experience that encompasses most of the senses, including sight, hearing, and touch, and represents an alternative to reality, as these works were painting that totally encompassed the viewer in a room. These painting worlds would not have modern day technologies and practices such as motion tracking or even sound but would be a predecessor to where many believe Virtual Reality really originated from, Photography and military simulations in the 1900’s. As for Augmented reality is origin lies within the late 1900’s with people like Ivan Sutherland who created the blueprints for an “Artificial Reality” while developing and researching the virtual world. The original idea for AR was to aid in militaries, however in the 2000’s while many still don’t even realise, AR was mainstreamed into public everyday life, QR codes you scan on your phone, social media filters you use and even the way in which we friend each other on social media with friend QR codes are all forms of AR that anyone can do or use at any moment and time from the simple everyday technologies around them like phones. The more obvious way of seeing this is simply booting up games like Pokemon Go.

Pope. Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality. 2018. Article. 2022.

Maryam Vafadar Department of Electronic, Sama technical and vocational training college, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Islamshahr, Iran’s article states that Virtual reality faced many real challenges in both the past and modern day. From technical challenges like instability of companies to the cultural challenges faced in VR, mainly at what point are users accountable for their actions in VR, if the crimes are virtual but the emotional trauma that can be inflicted is real. To real it back to more technical chellenges, throughout history the VR scene has always been a challenge in on itself. Massive work was done in VR technologies through out the 80’s and 90’s with Sensorama, The Sword of Damocles and other technologies aimed at the general public such as Nintendo’s Power Glove and the Nintendo Virtual Boy, however while technologically fascinating and strong blueprints for future AR and VR systems, they were mostly commercial flops or deemed to financially steep to continually invest in. The technology took a bit of a sleep through to the new 21st century, were advances were made in the 2010’s in VR with companies such as Oculus and Vive, and in AR with Nintendo in 2013 with release of the Nintendo 3DS, implementing on console standard AR games, AR capable camera and AR cards able to be scanned by the camera to display prominent Nintendo characters in the users real world. With the Oculus Quest and Pokemon Go, both respected technologies not only once again where in the business of evolving into modern day VR and AR technologies, they were once again in the general publics crosshairs, ending the years of XR near untouched state. (Challenges for VR and AR throughout history)


“Phenomenology, Pokémon Go, and Other Augmented Reality Games

A Study of a Life Among Digital Objects” by Nicola Liberati documents the recent opportunities in AR technology that have propelled it into modern day use. In recent history the world has seen a large evolution in AR, through Niantic’s Pokemon GO- The Pokemon Companies answer to AR in 2016. The app used the GPS and clock features of smartphones to pinpoint where in the world the user was located, then the app would continue to overlay digital creatures on the users smartphone using their camera, therefore making the character seem as though they were appearing before the user. Such a simple AR tactic was extremely well received as the game stayed in the relative App stores most downloaded app for many months proceeding the initial release. While there was a bit of controversy to the idea of the app in regards to data required to make the AR work (Access of location, time and camera features) the general public is well accustomed to AR since and only knows it better, on platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, Google and more,. Not only does this see more potential for AR driven games in modern day such as FNAF AR, but it has also shown AR as a game genre can be just as big and successful as any other game on the market, making recent history. (The opportunities for VR and AR in history)
