Reading 08


At the dawn of time, there was no XR (Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality(MR)). Life was sad. Then, life began getting a lot more interesting, Ivan Sutherland made a sword that hangs from the ceiling, Thomas P Caudell coined the name "Augmented Reality" (sounds pretty cool) and then Facebook continued to buy the current main VR competitor which is why we have talks of the metaverse today. Here, is the history of XR and how it all came to be.


The technology of VR, AR and MR are all very intertwined, we would not have AR without VR and we would not have VR without technologies like Sensorama, "The Sword of Damocles", and your average mobile phone. It's fascinating to follow the path of MR and see how the state of art technology of 1988 compares to the general market technology used in modern day MR in 2022, how both these histories bounce of one another and continue to progress even today, constantly waiting for one to catch up on the other. Technology has always been trying to catch up to our expectations of VR and AR, almost always being present in our sci-fi movies in some shape or form. To visually demonstrate this, the growth of technology can be comparable to a a cubical porabola, rising exponentially early on, only to  fizzle out in 1990, laying dormant for years and then suddenly spiking up again in 2010, and one day in the future, the technology will finally catch up with our expectations and I cannot wait for that day.

Draft your understanding:

The reader can follow the annotated bibliographies, edited to meet the book as less of an college homework task and more of a real excerpt from literature, and compile a knowledge on the history of technology growing to meet VR and AR 40 years ago and then continuing to lay dormant until 2010 when the technology finally began to adjust to a level of performance that could make MR viably possible, let alone enjoyable for most audiences.
