
Showing posts from May, 2022

Growth Mindset 11

 Source:  This week I learned more about Carol Dweck the doctor who coined the phrase Growth Mindset. I learned this week exactly what constitutes as a fixed mindset. People with a fixed mindset avoid challenges, give up at obstacles, see effort as fruitless, ignore useful negative feedback and feel threatened by the success of others. However, people with growth mindset seam to take a lot of these elements in stride and try to become better from each one, for example they are ready to embrace challenge, persist in the face of setbacks and so on. I feel this is a very important mindset to have in college and general life, there's no one who can be perfect all the time or in this case "smart", everyone has their own unique challenges and strengths but these challenges are belittled and these strengths can always be enhanced with a growth mindset and some hard work. 

Growth Mindset 12

Source:  This week I learned about Dr Dweck who coined the term "Growth Mindset" as well as the experiments made in fiske elementary school that showed a growth mindset can result in a much higher effort from a student body at large, which in turn can result in better grades. A growth mindset can also be something that can be caused in a brain, deviating from a fixed mindset, which is when someone instead of being given praise for their hard work and effort is instead given praise as being smart. A result of this is when students underperform or fail tests, those with fixed mindsets are defeated by this news and can become upset or give up on the task at hand, meanwhile those with a growth mindset can be found to preform admirable better on a second test, being able to learn and grow more from their failure than their fixed counterpart.  I find these traits admirable, the ability to be able to bounce back from any certain failure and ...