Growth Mindset 12
This week I learned about Dr Dweck who coined the term "Growth Mindset" as well as the experiments made in fiske elementary school that showed a growth mindset can result in a much higher effort from a student body at large, which in turn can result in better grades. A growth mindset can also be something that can be caused in a brain, deviating from a fixed mindset, which is when someone instead of being given praise for their hard work and effort is instead given praise as being smart. A result of this is when students underperform or fail tests, those with fixed mindsets are defeated by this news and can become upset or give up on the task at hand, meanwhile those with a growth mindset can be found to preform admirable better on a second test, being able to learn and grow more from their failure than their fixed counterpart.
I find these traits admirable, the ability to be able to bounce back from any certain failure and try harder next time is one I try to encourage myself and others to have, I find this study helps me keep an eye on the bigger picture and remember there's more to education than just tests and exams, its about learning and learning can only stem from hard work and effort.