Image Production Assignment 02 (Define and Develop stages)

When I was brainstorming for ideas I was looking for ideas that had a little bit of flair while also trying to demonstrate all the skills I had learned in Image Manipulation lectures and labs. I’ll include a brainstorming sketch from my notebook below. When It came down to the idea I wanted to move forward with I sketched some thumbnail sketches and test shots. I will also include them here. This is my concept board. When it came to primary and secondary research I had the fortune of having in my possession all of which I required in terms of props and lighting set-up tools, so the cost was low, and it also enabled m to take all my own photos to lean more into the primary research end of research like what would I be able to accomplish with these props and other tools. The project thesis: I plan to take pictures of Pokémon cards or any other equally iconic trading cards and then use the background, image manipulation and a bit of creativity to make them jump to life enlisting in ...