Game Elements


A page from my Sketchbook

A page from my sketchbook to do with Yoji Shinkawa, an art director for some of my favourite video games, most well known for the Metal Gear Solid series with legendary director Hideo Kojima, his artistic touch has always been a driving gaming element in all games he features his expertise in.

I have read this weeks reading tasks focused on Game Elements and also focusing on what these elements are. The documents we have been given are broad and talk of "game design", research, art design, history of design, what design is, the templates of rules and mechanic and more however I feel the element most focused on during these documents as well as my class in this stage of the year is research therefore I will give my thoughts on this. The research made for a game is one of the most fundamental building blocks in a games creation, and if done correctly can be an element that makes or breaks a game, currently we are researching what kind of games we would like to design. both reading and daydreaming while reading these documents have made me think about what research I can do to lend a hand to the creation of my game later on in this course. We have given ideas however have not yet decided which one we will definitively be making yet so my prospects for research are actually quite vast, I feel like I have the ability to research topics that I might not even use in the end but that does not make me despair, I want to absorb as much research as I possibly can. As such I have researched a core element of all the potential games I have lined up.

The links I have used are as follows:


Eimear said…
woah i love your drawing of Shinkawa and its intersting to learn about other people who worked on metal gear solid. I never playied any of the game so most of my knollage of the devopment team is well, really just Kojima himself.
Samuel Carroll said…
Really interesting blog on game elements and enjoyed reading the links associated with the blog never played metal gear solid or really any of Hideo Kojima's games myself but hope to play in the future.
Brandan Ball said…
Man how dare you not only be a cool dude and many other stuff I can't mention cause this is PG, but you're so freaking good at art. I love MGS too dude, the satisfaction of perfect stealth in those games is actually unrivalled. It's inspiring to see how dedicated you are to learning as much as you can to make a good game that it gives me the same level of determination. Keep being you my guy xoxo