Introduction “A game jam is an event where participants try to make a video game from scratch. Depending on the format, participants might work independently, or in teams. The event duration usually ranges from 24 to 72 hours. Participants are generally programmers, game designers, artists, writers, and others in game development-related fields. Some game jams are contests, others are not.”- Defined by Wikipedia. This Game Jam for TUDublin Game Jam 2022 was made with the main theme being that of all games must cover a specific topic or general language learning, allowing the player to learn, test or play a game with any language (apart from English) and learn from it. The format for this Game Jam had us in teams of 4 or 5, most being teams of 4. This was my first ever Game Jam and I found it quite enjoyable. Team There were 4 people in my team including me: Me, Eimear, Amy and Racheal. Eimear is another CDM student and friend of mine, Amy ...